Our Mission

The Noya Rao Collective is a dedicated group of individuals united by a common purpose: to propagate the consciousness of Noya Rao to support individuals as they heal themselves, awaken to their unique gifts, and embody their mastery. We firmly believe that true mastery begins with healing, and our purpose is to assist individuals in their healing processes. By guiding people to reclaim their wholeness, we enable them to serve the greater human collective and contribute to the well-being of the Earth.

Guiding Others Towards Their Highest Expression

As trained Noya Rao guides, we possess a deep understanding of working with the energy of the tree, enabling us to help individuals overcome obstacles that hinder their highest expression. We proudly refer to ourselves as a collective because we recognize that our mission can only be fulfilled through collaboration and by empowering a diverse group of individuals to hold these transformative transmissions. Together, we strive to foster a network of individuals who embody the consciousness of Noya Rao and are dedicated to spreading its wisdom far and wide.

Pathways to Work with Us

At Noya Rao Collective, we offer a diverse range of transformative services to support those who feel drawn to the wisdom of Noya Rao.  These modalities serve as catalysts for deep healing, expanded consciousness, and the cultivation of authentic self-expression.

Energy Transmissions

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Deep Immersions

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Individual Sessions

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